Novelist interview-Chuck Palahniuk
- Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
- Soft White Underbelly interview and portrait of Chuck Palahniuk, a novelist from Clark County, Washington. Chuck's novel Fight Club was adapted to a motion picture in 1999.
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#swu #softwhiteunderbelly #documentary #marklaita #fightclub #novelist #1999
Probably 20 years ago I sent a fan letter to Mr. Palahniuk. He responded to the other side of the world where I live with a hand written note and a package with glitter, carrot seeds and a small zebra. His note thanked me for my letter, answered my question and said the zebra is my power animal. I still cherish that zebra and it travels with me.
*This story sounded a little familiar when @**43:00** Mr. Palhniuk's story about his father being a "contest junkie" revealed I had met his father.*
That’s epic!
You sure it wasn't a penguin? Slide!👍
@@bluecollar825same colours :D
Very cool story! May I ask what the significance of the carrot seeds were?
It appears that he’s derailing every question Mark asks by spring-boarding into a story from a seemingly unrelated topic. Then, in perfect timing, he journeys around to answer the question through vivid visuals and a deeper message. Not a drop wasted. Chuck is a channel to another dimension. Extraordinary, what a treat. Thanks Mark ❤
Because he's used to thus questions. He was on Coast to Coast am last week
Well said. Fascinating.
similar to his writing!
He's a storyteller and Lit professor.
Chuck has one of the greatest, IMO, quotes of all time, “You realize that our mistrust of the future makes it hard to give up the past.” It just says so much about us and our experiences in life.
That's a great quote?? Ok Tyler Durden.
Another great Palahniuk quote is, “Real smart begins when you quit quoting other people”
His quote: "When did the future of America change from being a promise into a threat?" is also staggeringly brilliant and makes a similar sentiment.
“I am not going to be a wall-to-wall carpet of talk.”
Proceeds to show us an amazing tapestry that can’t fit in any room.
Goddamn this comment itself is beautiful.
Came to say the same thing…twice!!!! Great video and great comment 😊
He tells stories exactly the way he writes his novels 😄 I love the way his mind works. Brilliant.
I have mad respect for someone that doesn't feel obligated to fill the silence before he has thoroughly thought about what he wants to say.
Him AND the interviewer ❤
He never says Like, or Kinda
I wish more people were like this. You can't really have thoughtful conversations if no one actually thinks
@@pablodmdp or "uuuummmmmm"
I am a firm believer that if you are going to say something worth REALLY listening to, you have to compose those thoughts. Maybe it’s five seconds, maybe 30 seconds. But it never hurts to ground your thoughts, and just…compose, I suppose.
Hearing him speak, telling stories about his life, I fully understand his writing style. He has this disjointed way of telling a story that when you get to the end, you really understand it. He's not for everyone; but to me, utterly captivating.
I have read most of his work, and unfortunately I think he's gone down hill as of late.
I love Palahniuk’s work, so wonderful to see him being interviewed here. He’s lived an incredible life. Just astounding.
Great insights and honesty
Not even halfway through and I am blown away by Chucks storytelling abilities. I’ve read a few of his books but have never bothered to get to know him.
But wow. This is a treat
Edit: also, impressive posture
Strangely I tell people to check their prospective partner's neck as it tells you a lot about their stress and breathing. Good belly breathers have long looking necks.
Abilities? Any half wit can rattle off disgusting language. Makes me feel sick ugly creep!
Gym rat posture
He did write....several stories
@@syalalaputri1802 Bingo.
Chuck Palahniuk is the voice of the latchkey generation, it is profoundly moving and inspiring to hear him talk about his experiences with such humility and candor. Thank-you!
Chuck is my all time favorite author. I read all of his books in prison. Had them sent in from the streets. Had to fight the prison about a couple of them, because they didn’t want to let them in.
I’m so glad you did this interview Mark! 🖤
Hell yeah JD
Omggg!!!! I've read all his books and I've never seen him talk about his life in a interview. Thank you this! Absolutely fascinating
You should listen to the JRE episodes with him, even better.
@@Erik_1538 I thought I saw this guy before..
@@Erik_1538 Thanks for the tip. "1158 - Chuck Palahniuk - The Joe Rogan Experience"
Free Palestine ✌️
@Erik_1538 both interviews are great imo. This is way different than JRE though, different style
"..In a way, turning them into words, kind of dishonors them, it diminishes them.." My word, this man is so on point. I felt this just before he spoke it. That's almost an example of those kinds of stories, in itself, really...
The story with his Dad and the dream drove me to tears. My great-grandfather passed away in a much more peaceful way, but very similar to the dream. He was a little slow with age, but not fully senile, my grand-mother and her sister took care of him, and I sometimes helped out.
And then one day I come around with my grandma to help her help him and he's up and about, making breakfast. And we just have a great day, he's talking, he's laughing, we're all reminiscing. Then we eat dinner and he kind of loses his appetite, and says "Well, I'm quite tired now, I think I'll go rest." So he goes to the bedroom and me and my grandma tuck him in and he lays down and puts his hand under his head and says good night.
And the next day, my grandma's sister calls in panic and tears because he passed away, so we rush up the apartment complex stairwell (he lived only one floor above), and the ambulance isn't there yet, but I see that he's still laying there exactly as he fell asleep with his hand under his cheek and he has the most calm expression on his face. And that dream, the ending, reminded me of that.
Thank you, Soft White Underbelly, for letting me hear someone else's story on this matter. It means a lot.
Watching Chuck think on camera is a gem....Just precious.
Brilliant guy and brilliant writer.
This guy is such a good story teller. He should write a book or something.
is this an irony ? If its a joke thats a good one tho.
riiight ? Oh, wait...
He would be a great writer. Maybe stories about the odd and mysterious. He doesn't seem like the normal homeless drug addict on this channel.
Lol Good one
h;es the author of fight club, idiot...
More if this please. Growing up in insane families is a whole culture that gets overlooked. This was brilliant
Chuck Palahniuk is a true American icon. I wish this interview was 12 hours long. Great work to both of you.
Icon? C'mon now.
@@heywoodjablowme8120Martin Luther King Jr, Abe Lincoln, Rosa Parks, and Chuck Palahniuk
@@binkyboy8 Lmao 😂. Let's play who doesn't belong on the list. Anyone??
@@heywoodjablowme8120Funnily enough, Chuck is the only one who isn’t a commie plant/fraud or responsible for hundreds of thousands of unnecessary American deaths. So i’d say Chuck stands head and shoulders above those chimps and a lawyer-turned American dictator. Just my opinion though.
@heywoodjablowme8120 well, Rosa parks was lazy so maybe her. MLK was a CIA asset, who had regular orgies - verified - and stood by watching domestic violence. So possibly him. Abe Lincoln was a federalist and is the man responsible for the centralization of government that we have today. So probably him... CP obviously belongs on the list.
I met chuck in a small book store in LA 12 years ago. He said hello, shook my hand and whispered "Be your own best sex toy". Absolute legend!
if he wasn't famous, that woukd have just been some random creep, and you wouldn't consider that profound at all
Pretty solid advice regardless of where It comes from
@@yeetnama9094 right but the people that say these bizzare, disquieting things to us in large crowds or look at us in a way that sticks with us long after we part have something to say that might be worth hearing. They speak in an alien tongue to those of us that still walk and move in the common world of acceptable, responsible society so we can't hear it.
Chuck is cool because he has the insights of a mad man but he can turn it on and off long enough to impart the message in a different dialect. Some people are not mad enough to say these sorts of things to strangers but not domesticated enough to experience the appropriate revulsion from hearing them, and Chuck writes for that audience.
@@yeetnama9094I guess it was related to his book at the moment, which was about sex toys? Just an idea.
@@yeetnama9094 he gave no indication he considered it profound.
When I was a kid we had an enormous solid black cat. Every bit of 35-40 lb, but not fat. Just huge. Solid. To this day the biggest house cat I've ever seen; we used to jokingly tell people he was a baby panther. He was the sweetest, most loving cat, but other animals wouldn't go near him. Our other pets, as well as those of the neighbors, were absolutely terrified of Lucky, though he never showed aggression toward them. One day after school I found Lucky in the road, his head crushed by a passing car. I dug a grave in front of an old oak, and made a headstone from a piece of broken cinder block. Our family stood around the grave and wept for Lucky, shovel still in hand, when he casually sauntered from behind the tree. We never dug the grave up, and I've never told the story because of how implausible it sounds.
Why do you say the story is bullshit?
@johndoe70770hit the nail on the head
Oh wow. Tantalizingly good story. I want more 😮
That’s almost an incredible story. I was hooked until the reveal, great details and warmth. The climax has to be a bit more fleshed out and sturdy.
My jaw dropped when I saw the title line on the video. HELL YES I'm SO excited to watch the interview !
Hey MM, good to see you!!! Have a great Sunday My friend!!!!
@@Gram72534 good morning G! That was a terrific interview wasn't it? Hope you had a nice weekend. My son got incredibly sick so we scrapped our plans and I've been basically staring at his four walls since Friday. He's gotten a bit better since yesterday, thankfully.
Me too lol. I saw his face first and thought "No way...... Is that!?? Holy shit it is!"
@@JesseFernandezomfg yessss
Wow! This is a huge milestone having this man on here. Congrats on all of your success, Mark! You’re killing it!
He's had plenty of well known people on here for years
I literally just fan girled out when I saw this!!!! hes so freaking BRILLIANT!!!!
I woke up to this and couldn’t believe it. This is the confluence of a channel I love and an author I love
I LOVE listening to Chuck speak. He is so measured and considered, and so warm but intense. He also could tell me about the parking regulations in his neighbourhood and I would be captivated… let alone tell these strangely unsettling stories from his life.
I’ve rewatched his JRE episodes several times, and am sure to do the same with this one.
Great job Mark and Chuck. Made my day!
One of my top five interviews at 70 years old. Thank you for what you do to tell the stories that would never be heard in America today.
I’ve met people from all walks of life both famous and otherwise. Authors are the only passengers ( I was a flight attendant for 30 years) I was star struck over. The fact that they can take one to a different world with their writing is amazing!
It's True.
I feel the same way about comedians. Both have the ability to control an audience while taking them on a thought-provoking emotional journey.
The consolation prize bit ( i chagrin calling it a "bit" but its all i can think to deem it, at this moment) is such a fabulous explanation as to how absurd life appears to be. Appearances can be deceiving, it is said, and some, this one, in my opinion very amusing. Although i cant articulate, as to exactly why it is so.
His story telling is so bold and vivid. Clear and confident. Great interview Mark.
I haven't sat through a whole SWU interview in a couple months, but this one had me hanging on word for word all the way through. I'm a fan of his work, and I shouldn't be surprised at how poetic all of this is. Yet It far my exceeded expectations.
The stories from his real life are like little novels in themselves, and the way he speaks feels like such authentic prose. That symmetrical beginning/end of his father's life will never leave my mind. I don't understand how it tells it all without breaking down. So much emotion.
Having read a number of his books, I've found that he writes every chapter in a book as a short story, taking the time to allow the story open up and suck you into the narrative. And that's how he's answering each question.
To wake up on a Sunday morning and see an interview with one of my favourite authors! how amazing, thank you both!
No wonder this man became a storyteller! This is absolutely fantastic! Thank you.
It’s so nice to listen to a writer,the level of description is so detailed
This was incredible. I would love more authors and artists, their perspective is just so unique and refreshing.
Storytelling at it’s finest. This is such a lost art and Chuck is such a legend in this realm. Thank you so much, Mark, for taking this path for us.
What a wild story about his dad/grandfather 🤯. Legendary choice for a guest on this channel. Well done Mark. Your work is quite frankly just amazing and beautiful.
If his dad came out looking a lot different maybe gma was cheating.
@@KidVllhe literally said his grandfather was an adulterer, as in cheater, so i wouldn't blame her if thats true but thats also just speculation on your part that shes unfaithful
The feeling I have in my chest is indescribable. It is so amazing to see one of my fave photographers interview one of my fave authors! I can still see the Dustbowl in Palahniuk
Edit: Also for what it’s worth, all the stories I’ve heard of people meeting Chuck have been amazing. Seems like a genuinely nice guy
Got to meet him on the Snuff tour. really nice guy.
Yeah, I met him for the Rant tour and gave me the best inscription when he signed my book. Awesome dude!
@@ohiotattoo1 If i maybe so bold, what did the inscription read?
This is like 2 people sitting at the kitchen table catching up. Chuck is an amazing storyteller… thank you!
I don’t think I’ve ever met or even seen someone quite like Chuck.
They broke the mold when they made him, he’s one of a kind.
What a poised, intelligent, artistic, interesting man. This interview was awesome. His explanation of what it’s like to be a successful author now was a type of poetic that so easily displays why this man is such a great writer.
Wow, I never thought that this channel would reach this level of fame.
actually success comes from humble labor.
Mark is an accomplished photographer for many famous brands. Like apple. I'd say mark knows many famous people. The channel is just his outlet
Nothing is impossible with the Lord
I completely thought it would get here and just wait….I’m not surprised at all ❤
It was fantastic from the start, imho.
I can’t even put into words the sheer level of excitement I felt when this video came up on my subscription feed. (Huge fan of fight club )Thank you so much Mark, I feel like I’ve gotten intellectually and emotionally deeper since I started watching your videos, they’ve been tremendously insightful into a whole side of our society that I’ve been very sheltered from. You’re a legend👍
Me too!! Love Chuck!
Fight Club, best movie ever made
Omg! Cant belirve you got him on the channel! Hes one of the greatest writers of our day
5 years ago, my favorite author of all time (Chuck Palahniuk) sent me a box and a letter wishing me success on the creative nonfiction book I was writing. I still don't know what my wife said to get him to send me a box full of candy, trinkets, a homemade book thong, but this guy REALLY cares about his fans. Met him like 4 times now, and he always takes his time to show appreciation for his readers.
This guy is the reason I read for fun in high school and not just when books were assigned for English class.
So much tragedy in his life. Chuck your existence now seems like a miracle. I hope life is now treating you kindly. 🙏🏻
I've been following this channel closely for almost two years. Chuck has been one of my favorite authors for almost two decades. This interview blows my mind and exceeds all expectations I had for this channel. Thank you Chuck and Mark!
I’ve got lucky enough to met Chuck once and he was the coolest dude he sent my family gifts which is wild he even gave my family some rocks he had collected with his father! he’s so unique and he truly a beautiful person
A rare treasure the world has given
He definitely has a thing with giving fans gifts
00:00 📖 Chuck Palahniuk wrote Fight Club as an act of rebellion and revenge against the publishing industry.
01:16 🏡 Chuck's childhood in Burbank, Washington, was marked by a close-knit family, but he regrets not exploring their history further.
03:12 🚪 Chuck's father witnessed a murder-suicide as a child, a traumatic event kept secret until later in life.
05:35 🏃 Chuck ran away from home at age 8 or 9 due to abuse from an older brother, experiencing hardships like being arrested for vagrancy.
08:18 🚂 Chuck's father orchestrated a dramatic train wedding as a grand gesture, a bizarre event with lasting impact.
11:54 💔 Chuck's father's pursuit of love ended tragically in a murder by the jealous ex-husband of a woman he met through a personal ad.
19:52 🔥 Chuck's father's body was partially saved from a house fire by hiding under a bed, mirroring his childhood escape.
22:17 💔 Chuck finds comfort in the symmetrical inevitability of his father's death paralleling events from his early life.
23:52 🔍 Chuck recounts the graphic details of identifying his father's body, emphasizing the forensic understanding he sought.
26:49 🏡 Chuck reflects on a poignant moment when he wished his deceased father could see the renovated house he bought.
27:03 🌌 Chuck Palahniuk shares a vivid dream about his deceased parents, where his father reveals he didn't know he was dead for 10 years.
28:23 🎨 In the dream, Chuck's father expresses immense happiness and walks through Chuck's staged house, leading to a surreal connection with reality when Chuck later discovers the exact prints from the dream in his house.
31:31 🤔 Chuck collects and values stories about inexplicable experiences and encounters with deceased loved ones, aiming to find commonalities and honor these narratives.
34:51 📚 Chuck's view on life is influenced by the belief that existence is more enormous and extreme than commonly perceived, inspiring him to seek and share unconventional stories.
40:40 🔥 Chuck recounts a near-death experience involving a car accident and receiving news about selling the movie rights to his novel, illustrating his unique perspective on life and career.
42:13 📝 Chuck emphasizes the importance of not censoring oneself as a writer, encouraging the free flow of ideas and stories to prevent creative stagnation.
44:45 🔄 Chuck discusses how articulating personal experiences allows others to recognize the validity of their own stories, fostering open conversations and a sense of shared humanity.
46:30 🚀 Chuck reflects on the unconventional path that led him to become a writer, from working on an assembly line to studying minimalism and eventually developing his unique storytelling style.
51:20 📘 "Fight Club" wasn't Chuck's first novel; he wrote two others before it, highlighting the journey of trial and error that eventually led to his breakthrough work.
53:36 📚 Chuck Palahniuk wrote "Fight Club" out of rebellion after his first novel was rejected for not fitting into specific genres.
55:12 🎭 Anger and shame are powerful fuels for creativity, as Chuck Palahniuk discusses how personal experiences shaped his writing.
55:40 🥊 "Fight Club" emerged from a sense of dissatisfaction among Palahniuk and his friends, who felt unfulfilled despite following societal expectations.
57:18 🤹 Chuck Palahniuk draws inspiration from the cacophony society, engaging in structured chaos and participatory events that influenced the concept of Fight Club.
01:02:29 🚗 "Fight Club" began as a short story, and Palahniuk emphasizes that good ideas often come together rapidly, though they are the culmination of years of experiences.
01:07:33 📖 Palahniuk reflects on the hidden themes in novels, citing Ira Levin's "Rosemary's Baby" as possibly unintentionally addressing the thalidomide tragedy.
01:09:04 🤔 Chuck Palahniuk discusses self-censorship, citing an example from a conversation with Joe Rogan about explicit content.
01:11:39 📚 Palahniuk recalls resistance to changing a line in "Fight Club" during the film adaptation, highlighting creative integrity.
01:14:23 🤝 Chuck Palahniuk finds writers' groups beneficial for social reinforcement, clarity checks, and cultural precedents, but acknowledges challenges like political correctness.
01:17:21 🖊 The downfall of Palahniuk's writers' workshop occurred due to disagreements about word usage, emphasizing the impact of political correctness on creative expression.
01:19:27 🐶 A man discovers he's HIV positive and fears he gave it to his dog by the dog shredding Kleenex; turns out, HIV is human-specific.
01:21:40 😅 Chuck Palahniuk recounts a controversial story about the HIV scare with the Pug dog, facing backlash from his audience and editor.
01:23:41 📚 Chuck shares the impact of his story "Guts," revealing personal and intimate tales from individuals who found solace in his unconventional narratives.
01:25:31 🤣 An awkward yet humorous encounter at a book signing where a grandmother advises her grandson not to insert anything into his penis.
01:29:49 📖 Chuck reflects on the power of storytelling to break societal norms, allowing individuals to embrace vulnerability and connect with their deeper experiences.
01:31:22 💑 Chuck expresses pride in his 30-year marriage, navigating the challenges of becoming a well-known writer, and finding joy in life's simpler moments.
01:32:48 🌞 Chuck humorously notes that the best part of being a well-known writer is the ability to enjoy the weather whenever he wants.
01:33:06 📝 Chuck shares current projects, including a science fiction novel and a play commissioned by the Steppenwolf Theater Company of Chicago.
01:34:04 🔄 Chuck's most important life lesson: taking responsibility for one's own experience and finding ways to enjoy even the most challenging situations.
01:36:06 😂 Chuck reminisces about playful pranks at his former workplace, adding humor to the monotony of an assembly line job.
Took about 15 seconds of thinking to dive into a fascinating wall to wall Persian rug of a story filled with providence, coincidence, and synchronicity. This is one of my favorite interviews of this channel.
Simply fascinating! Chuck is highly intelligent and his mind is spilling over with information. He's able to so eloquently speak stories into being and keep one's attention. What a fantastic interview and interviewee.
Writers are the most entertaining people for interviews. One gets lost in their stories and their words, just like we do while reading their writing. Years ago, I never knew who Chuck Palahniuk was. I was a member of an audio book club and ordered "Diary" by Chuck P and absolutely fell in love with it. I bought audio books to listen to in my car (I read paper and hardbacks in the house), but I had to drag that one from my car and continue listening in my house. I truly enjoyed this interview.
This is just remarkable, Mark. Fight Club and Snuff are some of my favorite reads ever. Chuck is a legend. I can’t wait to finish the rest of this interview.
OMG! MARK! I thought you were incredible before but now that you’ve brought Chuck on… you are a GEM! Thank you for all that you do 🙏🏼
Chuck is a very prolific writer who has inspired my own writing. Invisible monsters is one of if not my favourite book, It’s really nice to see an interview with him.
Thank you SO much for this interview! I already know I'm going to love it as an aspiring writer whose enjoyed Palahniuk's work since I was ~16 years old (33 now). Thank you so much again!
Chuck inspired so many people to read again and become writers
Same here! In a time where everything tries to grab your attention, he still manages to write novels that can compete with cell phones, video games and streaming services
Chuck's answer to "what about his life has changed since becoming a well known writer" is a great embodiment of his outlook on life and insight into who he is as a person.
I loved that, too😊
@@lisaaxe9062va i 😊ömmlmmmmmmmm
Let that be a lesson to those who subscribe to coincidence. You see a large boulder, tree or any other object impeding your path, do not proceed. You turn and head the opposite direction immediately. What a heartbreaking series of events in one man's life and path. Great interview!
One idea from Choke that I retained was in the line, "A good addiction takes the guesswork out of death." I co-opted this idea after finishing the book, as I was a smoker at the time of reading. Whenever someone would ask me why I continued to smoke, I would answer that it took the mystery out of death, which would usually cancel any possibility of further discussion. Chuck's pauses are so physically complete that they almost border on mannequin challenge stillness. At his first contemplative rest, I thought my PC was locking up. His description of his Uncle Pete as being "fantastically abusive" is so perfectly literary. Great writer and fascinating interview subject.
What a gift to all of us. His remarkable way with storytelling is upsetting to the genre, and challenging in the best way to our sense and nature. Transforming the way we read, and bring this new framework into dissecting our own stories and the inner monologues that were begging for some calamity or chaos to bring forth the beginnings of some new thing. Chuck's books are inexplicably tethered to my story and progression of my life since my best friend turned me on to his books before she died. Thank you for this outstanding interview. What a relief to discover he is a lovely man who enjoys synchronicity and chaos and I feel like it was important that I saw this.
Only Mark could inspire someone who tells some of the most everlasting stories of all time. Thank you Chuck for sharing your story with SWU
I read all of Chuck’s books back to back. Read Survivor during smoke breaks at the restaurant I worked at. His books hold a special place in my heart
Survivor is my favorite book of his
Which is your favorite? Mine is Rant.
@@jaythenihilist4689 Invisible Monsters is my favorite with Survivor in close second
I love this storyteller! Unexpected genius strikes a chord you were once unaware of existed in you. And I'm vibrating with a hum of genuine gratitude. Thank you.
This is, without a doubt, the best interview I’ve ever had the pleasure to listen to. Honestly life-shifting. Thank you so, so much.
This man has made a profound effect on my life for the last 20 years.
I got goosebumps reading the title! Never would've seen this interview coming!!
Chuck, you legend! Your work was such an influence on my shittly little HS clique.
this was a big get for SWUB, and it just goes to show how kind Chuck is for not only his time, but so many great stories.
Lol I think your forgetting who MARK is ....He's a world renowned photographer and has been around the rich and famous his entire life. Some would say mark is the celebrity...
Lmao I don't like Mark cause of what happened to Amanda Rabb but why is it such a big deal that he has this author on?
he's one of my favs. i'm not really familiar with what happened to Amanda Rabb...but i get it. he exploits to a certain degree. @@alisonmercer5946
Kudos to Palahnuik for the interview. A great interview! Thanks, Mark!
When my brother passed suddenly, he was my best friend and I loved him more than anyone in my life. We grew up together, and thought the world of each other their opinion. I always knew he had my back and that he was always in my corner. I was set to get married that year in the fall, but due to covid we pushed it back a year and he passed that year. Nothing related to covid at all, but I remember being at his bedside when he was brain dead and asking him who was going to be my best man because I couldn't think of anyone else I wanted more than him. I wasn't there when he passed, but I remember having a dream about him where he told me he was sorry that he wouldn't be there for my wedding and that he had wanted to be there more than anything. And I told him I forgave him and that I'd always miss him, we had always made a habit of hugging and saying 'I love you' when we hung up the phone or parted and we talked a lot and visited a lot.
He had saved my life when I was in high school from downing, and he had told me I saved his when he was suicidal because he didn't want to cause me that pain, he always said he'd never live past his 40's and he died three months after his 40th birthday.
I love you.
Chuck sent a box of autographed copies of Fight Club to my platoon in Iraq in 2005. My buddy wrote him a letter and told him we watched the movie every single day that we had the time to, which wasn't much, but that's what we always put on. That was a great morale boost, Chuck, and I am still grateful. Thanks again.
This dudes books kept me alive in my teens
Fucking yes.
How so?
@@D4n1t0o in my case it was having several intense, beautiful distractions in the form of literary art which took me away from the casual nightmare which made up my formative year's. The passion/inspiration found in his books gave me the safe excitement which my life lacked. I fucking love Chuck ❤️🔥
"Rant ' is most definitely my favorite piece by him.
What are your favorite books
@@GasStationSushiiii all right so I haven't revisited these in far too long but, number one is rant number two is invisible monsters then we have pygmy and haunted which is a collection of short stories to put it simply but the way that they are composed is so much more complex
I am not by any stretch a well-read person, but I have read most of this author's work.
I love the honesty, the simplicity yet also details in his description of people, places, and things.
Thank you, Mark for this interview.
SWUB always puts the light on those different amazing people... Thank you for letting all these beautiful people talk!
Mr Palahniuk is truly one of the greats, understanding of how his prototypical reproduction of stories of others can help people coping with horrendous life experiences is in my eyes ultimately humanitarian
this guy is such a fascinating person to hear speak, what an absolute treat this is.
He feels almost more real than most people I have ever known, it's hard to describe his peculiar quality
What a great interview Mark. Chuck was one of the best story tellers I have ever heard. I could listen to him all day. Thank you.
Absolutely exquisite interview! Listening to a masterful storyteller's autobiography is nothing short of amazing. Thank you, Mark, for this post!
Thinks before he talks. Learns before he writes. Experienced enough to know the power of secrets and stories. Thank you, Mr. Palahniuk. Great interview, Mark, as always!
I love this interview. I studied journalism but soon realised it was not for me (corporate media model) however I was forced to go into it for a few years. I opted for the subeditor's desk where my best pal and I had such deep disrespect for the "news" that every night we had a competition to write song titles into news story headline. I think it improved the newspaper.
That was absolutely wonderful.
I love Fight Club. I finally read the book after a few years of binge watching the movie, some times for days. It has such a deep real to it. So, so good.
Then I read the book and it was wonderful too because the texture is so tangible. And now watching this interview completes the picture. He's able to put other peoples shoes on and walk for a while and then tell those stories like he's living in their skin.
Reading all his books is now on my bucket list.
I'm so glad you got to inerview him.
All walks of life, never thought i would see one of my favorite writers on here
This episode surprised me as well. I guess someone is leveling up. But don't get me wrong, the other episodes are terrific too.
@@gilbertdaroy6080 he has had high profile interviews before, but they were somewhat or related to decadence. Charles’ writing and stories are not so far come to think of it.
almost finished with "haunted", this dudes writing is so visual. This sit down is so immersive, after watching this i admire Palahniuk even more. thanks you SFW.
“Haunted” is my absolute fave
@@JerseyDevilJerseyGirl Interesting. It's by far my least favorite of his. The short story chapters are good, but the narrative of them all at the mansion just didn't work for me. Never thought I'd dislike any of his writing that much.
Rant is my favorite.
I caught myself so many times in constant confusion during this interview. Not because what was said, but the fact this guy seems so ahead of his time that it was hard fallow his thoughts. The ways he views life, the ways he tells stories and somehow parallels them with the asked questions with such facility is amazing to me. Nice interview with this brilliant mind
I remember meeting him in Seattle at a book signing in 2001, he was incredibly friendly and down to earth. Despite his formidable intellect, his humanity shined through
I absolutely love Chuck! What an amazing life he's had, I could listen to him all day. Looking forward to more books from him. Best interview you've had. ❤
@@WalkHard1 What does that even mean?
I couldn't be more excited to see my favorite author on this channel. As a young man, his books opened me up to a whole new way of thinking and viewing the world around me. Chuck is truly a gifted artist and his stories are magical. It's really nice to hear the stories from his life. Also, Invisible Monsters and Lullaby are nothing short of genius. I've read all of his work, but these two I've read dozens of times.
This is just brilliant,,there is an innocence and openness in all good writers ,that makes them amazing story tellers,I literally want to have dinner with this man 😂
He is brutally honest
I was thinking the same thing!
Free Palestine ✌️
@@hinada9342 free Sandusky
@@hinada9342 Free Palahniuk
I just realized; I’m two years, and two hundred pages in, writing my first story. I was ignored my whole life, judged when I spoke, and reminded I was adopted. Writing is freedom to go wherever I want, and as deep as I want.
A big thank you to Chuck for sharing your story with us, and a big thank you to Mark for this channel.
Amazing interview. Proud to see how far this channel has come along, it’s well deserved
This is the guy that wrote Fight Club? Dude, I commend your writing! His dream he had about his dad was a treat to hear. I love it.
Yes it is
he's got alot of great books :)
Chuck wrote some really good books.
Choke is another great book he wrote and I believe they made a movie of it as well.
@@mountainmanwatchreviews8081 yep!
this is a perfect combination, both Mark and Chuck are conduits for some of the most crazy and relatable stories of the modern day. I hope this is the first collaboration of many.
This guy doesnt have a single bad interview. Never get tired of listening to him.
I loved this interview!!! This was so deep and enlightening in so many ways. It felt like he was in my living room shootin' the shit. Chuck revealed his true self as a person and as a super creative professional who goes all the way for his art. Unapologetic and deathly honest.
What a time to be alive! Thank you for this interview. You never cease to amaze me. Loved Chuck Palahniuk since I was a teenager, never stopped ever since. Brilliant writer, brilliant story-teller indeed. Whatever he says is music to my ears and everything is pure solid gold. Thank you again ❤
Love the insight into others lives on this channel.
Seems people are people wherever you go.
I went to a book reading of his 10 years ago and it was AWESOME! So cool to see the demographic in these interviews expanding.
This is the third time coming back to Chuck's interview. It speaks to me on many levels. I recover more details each viewing. Ugh-thank you SWU.
Same. I love this man.
I've met Chuck a few times, I was an FX editor on a movie based on his book Romance. He's a very quirky fellow but it was cool working on a film based on his material.
I think it's fair to say that many, if not most, creative people are seen as quirky. It's generally not such a bad thing 🫠🙃🤗
This guy is the definition of captivating.
Yes, I do how .. but yes